Aviation Blog and News - Updates and Trends

Discover the Importance and Advantages of Multi Crew Cooperation Courses for Pilots
Whether you’re looking to become a professional pilot or you’re already one and want to improve your skills, it’s important to know the importance and

How much does a flight attendant make in Spain?
Being a flight attendant is an exciting and rewarding career, involving traveling around the world and meeting people from different cultures. Additionally, the compensation is

PTL License – Requirements and Benefits
In Colombia, the PTL (ICAO-ATP) license refers to the certification issued to pilots who meet the requirements established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Advantages of becoming a Cabin Crew member
Cabin crew courses in Madrid are an excellent option for those looking for an exciting and full of opportunities career. A cabin crew member, or

Welcome to GTA Spain.
Much more than an aviation training centre. Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de GTA | Pilot & Crew Training (@global_training_aviation)

The Carlos Salas Scholarships for aviation pilots
The Official College of Commercial Aviation Pilots (COPAC), the Spanish Airline Pilots Union (Sepla) and Global Training Aviation (GTA) presented the call for the new